Sep 8, 2008


I compared a regular matches against wax dipped matches. The wax waterproofs the match head pretty well & if the match is submerged in water for more than 5-10 minutes, it might be ruined. It protects them from any short-term exposure to water. The wax also allows a match to burn longer cuz the wood doesn't burn as fast with the wax.

When you strike the match, you wanna make sure to pick off the wax around the match head. if not, theres a good chance you'll ruin your sandpaper striker. Strike Anywhere Matches are what you want this lil project


Bob Shannon said...

Get some kitchen matches from Ohio Match Company...the kind that will light on any rough surface, which you already know about I'm sure...and wrap them tight in aluminum foil. I have done this and they spend days at 40 below..make that weeks and then more at hot..and one more cold and still worked fine...first try...first light! Wrap tight though...

Unknown said...


Unknown said...

Yes, it is extremely simple to waterproof matches with wax. These are the best matches to use when faced with unforeseeable situations. Thanks for the tips. I also found great guidelines on how to waterproof matches here:

Unknown said...

You are quite resourceful with the wax. I will try this out during my next camping trip. I have a question, though. Do you have an alternative waterproofing method apart from the wax? Read more at:

AdventureFootstep said...

Very helpful. will try this out during my next camping trip. Thank adventure footstep